There are countless ways to enjoy a trip, and enjoying local specialties is one of the must-sees when visiting any land. Going to the beautiful Ly Son island in Quang Ngai province, visitors can hardly refuse the 5 attractive dishes below
1. Garlic salad
Garlic in general and lonely garlic in particular has long been a specialty of Ly Son. So why can’t miss the garlic salad when once coming to this beautiful island. Garlic is grown on the sand, so the garlic cloves are not as big as usual, but perhaps because it contains both wind and rain, the garlic branches here have a very clear sweetness in the aftertaste.

Come to Ly Son to enjoy 5 delicious dishes and forget the way back – Photo 2
Garlic salad is a dish that is not fussy in processing because the ingredients are quite easy to find. In addition to garlic, just a little herbs and roasted peanuts is already a delicious plate of salad. However, wanting to eat this dish is not easy because garlic salad is not available in every season. Garlic for salad is a strong male garlic bulb without extra cloves that is selected and delivered to restaurants. After preliminary processing of garlic and chopping garlic cloves into many thin slices, the chef will prepare a sauce from coconut milk cooked with chopped tomatoes, add a little fried onion and cilantro. All are sprinkled with garlic that has been soaked in cold water and boiled. Ta da, so that’s the dish that you will remember once and for all.

Come to Ly Son to enjoy 5 delicious dishes and forget the way back – Photo 3
2. Seaweed salad
Also a type of salad on Ly Son island, but seaweed salad is easy to find and usually available in every season. On favorable weather days, people on the island can harvest up to 10kg of seaweed at a time.
On the island, green vegetables are quite few, so choosing seaweed salad is also a way to supplement vegetables in a seafood-rich meal. The ingredients for the seaweed salad are also quite easy to find and the cooking method is simple. After being washed, seaweed is soaked in water with a little lemon to make it less salty and the seaweed is crispy. Then the seaweed is mixed with chili garlic fish sauce and sprinkled with crushed golden roasted peanuts on top.

There are many variations of seaweed salad such as adding a peeled shrimp, dried beef or chicken cartilage; But the salad plate of Ly Son islanders is simply from seaweed. Pick up the green seaweed stalks, point a few peanuts somewhere and put it in your mouth, feeling like the taste of the sea is dissolving in the palate.
3. King Crab
One of the dishes that tourists rarely miss when coming to Ly Son is king crab. The bright red, firm and sweet crabs dipped in a green pepper sauce will tickle any hungry stomach. The armor of this crab is quite hard, so often the restaurant will cut the crab in half for diners to enjoy

Come to Ly Son to enjoy 5 delicious dishes, forget the way back – Photo 1
King crab has a thick and hard shell with many tiny sharp spines, sharper edges, large body, soft sweet meat; It deserves to be considered the king of crabs. In the past, king crab was a product to offer to kings and the elite, so it is not difficult to understand if the price of this dish is not cheap. However, it is really worth the money because catching king crab is not easy.
4. Conch
Another seafood not to be missed when coming to Ly Son is conch. Called conch because snails have scales that cover their mouths like a pen, they are thick, hard and have veins like mother-of-pearl scales. When eating, the restaurant can help you to remove the snail’s body from the shell but still keep the mother-of-pearl scales, look at the plate of snails with sweet and sour tamarind sauce, the mother-of-pearl luster is very attractive.

5. Coins
If coming to Ly Son and a sunny summer day, diners should not miss a cool cup of custard. Jelly is cooked and poured into a bowl into a round mold, when eating, the saleswoman will quickly cut large pieces of jelly into small pieces and put them in a cup. Coc Xu Xa is added water cooked from sugar with a few pieces of fresh ginger pounded and boiled until it smells good, then let it cool down. Holding a glass of clear water in his hand, biting into the lumpy, cool, smooth jelly like dispelling all the hot summer days on the remote island.

Coin dish.
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